Monday, April 4, 2011

Williamson Medical Center For Sale

Damn it all to Hell I cant seam to get the Fracking police off my mind in this blog! Everyone knows the hospital is for sale-maybe-or-not.
Heres whats bothering me. Did you know that Franklin Police can coerce your medical records? Yep they sure kan. An example is having your urine screen show your use of Cokaine or PCPs. Thats right people. The police can do this and I've seen the documents to prove it.
Is this a liability we want or is this how we want medical professionals behaving? Perhaps it would be better to go private. That way we all lose a big headache before it gets bigger.
The Fracking police. Sweet Jesus what next?
Since the medical professionals at WMC dont want to be professional I say sell the Damn place. I would like to think a private entity could do the job better and be more honest with medical records
What do you say we take a look at this from the view point of reality. There's someone wanting to make a BIG BUCK for themselves and this might be one way to do it. This is Franklin after all and that means corruption. You know what? If a corrupt city can sell this thing and health care can be done better then Im all for it. Let that guy make a killing by selling it and get the Monkey off my back.

1 comment:

  1. you got someone attention and they do not care for your remark
