Friday, April 29, 2011

Jay Johnson

I've got to ask this really stupid question - now keep in mind I have been out of town a while OK.
Why does Jay Johnson keep koming around here and why do the police cater to him all the time he is here?
Wasnt he fired from this city? Is he still running things around here or what?
Can someone spread some light on this subject for all of us to understand?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

EarthQuake Day

For those who havent heard yet today is The Franklin Earthquake Day. There will be a earthquake drill today for people to practice their ability to hold on to something sturdy while a fake earthquake is in motion.
I hope everyone survives it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Earthquake Reminder

Remember people kome tomorrow we will have a earthquake practice drill so go and find something sturdy to hold on to and GOOD LUCK !

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ask Yourself This Question

Yeah I know I mentioned this in the last post but I think it needs to be said again and asked again
Are you better off today with SATURN?
Its a very simple question to ask but I think the answers are going to be disturbing

Monday, April 25, 2011

People Say The Darndest Things

I saw in another blog where people are caught saying such and such and I wondered if its really so and I went over for breakfast one morning and sure enough I heard people talking how Franklin used to be a town with more than one horse and people actually enjoyed living here.
Then one fine day SATURN came to town with lots of money (after ruining the town they moved out of) and bought up everything in sight and this town hasnt been the same since. Today people want to Bitch about this and Bitch about that while the town needs things done instead it gets flowers for Street Scape.
One things for sure , this town now has one horse thats on its last feet and no one cares. There are suburbs with TVA lines going down the street and through yards. This is called planning.
You know what? Listening to people talk I learned this town really does sucks. SATURN came and this town went down the sewer pipe head first and it hasnt been the same since.
And would you look at where SATURN is today after throwing all that money around ask this question , are you better off with or without it was SATURN really that good a company to have around? Maybe those flowers on Street Scape are to help put SATURN to rest what do you think?
Anyway I really dont think the good ole days are going to come back home. Do you?

Friday, April 22, 2011

10 Reasons to Build The Taj Mahal Here

1. All new roads and signs would lead up to the Taj Mahal per the planning commission
2. It would give Franklin Codes something meaningful to do
3. The tourism dollars it would generate
4. It would help renovate Southern Franklin and expand street scape needs
5. It would give Franklin Trolley service somewhere else to go
6. It would give Jay Johnson a reason to be here besides visiting
7. Think of the jobs
8. Franklin Police would have a real place to pray
9. Taj Mahal burgers are pretty good eating
10. It would put another feather in Jay Johnson's cap

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Creative Money Profiting

Heres something a reader passed on to me to help explain the money matters going on at McKays Mill.
The city spent 28 Million dollars to design a 36 Million dollar police building. The person responsible for spending that 28 Million dollars is probably the same person doing the books at McKays Mill
When you think about it from this angle their money management sure makes sense dont it?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Taj Mahal

The new police headquarters building has certainly started something. Now its Taj Mahal this and Taj Mahal that. Why doesnt Franklin Codes put in to all the new construction the domes and the towers? I think thats a great idea how 'bout you?
Meanwhile instead of talkin Taj Mahal why dont we build one? Can you imagine the envy of our neighbors in Brentwood? Having our very own Taj Mahal would definitely add to our opulence of effluence.
You know what they say build it and they will kome. Just think of all the tourism India would lose out on. Then all of the Indian cuisine shops would kome to town so people wouldnt need to go all the way to Nashville for real Indian food.
Just think of it our very own Taj Mahal. My mouth waters at the prospect of all the money to be made. Just think of it. Another gold mine right here in Franklin. Now why wasnt this thought of sooner?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The BIG Question

Here's the big question - the people who scammed this city for 28 Million dollars are the same folks who are behind selling the hospital so they can put another pot of gold in their pockets.
The question now is - what comes after selling the hospital? How many more pots of gold are left in this city?

Monday, April 18, 2011

What Voice?

Ive gotten several emails wanting to know my alderman. Whats everyone so bothered about who my alderman is? The truth about elected officials in this town is that no one not even the good citizens of Franklin have a voice in government. The aldermen of this town merely take up space in chairs and offices and give excuses for elections to be held and do what the "Wack Ohs" tell them to do.
Now someone out there please tell me Im wrong here while the aldermen of this town have proven me right everyday of the year. Thank you very much
And you know what else? Ever since 9/11 the American people have been afraid of their own Damn shadow. With that remark said you would also think I was referring to the people of Franklin and why yes I am Thank You again very much.
One thing is for certain in this One Horse of a Fucked up town if you speak your mind you will be harassed since the Constitution has no meaning here

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Harassment Police

It's pretty sad when a town is so afraid of its own shadow they incorporate their own version of the Harassment Police. Says a lot for a town doesnt it? Says a lot about a town doesnt it? Says a lot for Franklin too. Doesnt it? A town where the people are so afraid of their government they only whisper very carefully hoping no one hears them talking

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Here's the latest About WMC Being For Sale

Here's the latest on selling the Williamson County Hospital: If you'll note this link won't work because someone doesn't want certain information getting out. The real and only reason WMC is for sale is because the people who scammed the city for 28 Million dollars wants to scam the city further and this would put another fortune in their hat. For this kind of Shit to be going on clearly shows how weak and shy the people of Franklin truly are.
Meanwhile , there's a meeting on May 9 , 2011 at the admin complex to promote not selling WMC. The word on the street is this is being low key due to the powers that be want to sell the Damn thing and I for one support selling WMC and NO I dont get anything to promote selling WMC.
  • sell WMC
  • Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    Screwing The Veterans Half Way

    If there was a country on this planet that screwed its Veterans America would win every prize.
    I could not believe my ears when the TV stated that if this country could not put a budget together the President and Congress would continue to get paid accordingly while our veterans in the field would only get half a paycheck while keeping their head down from hostile fire by unfriendlys.
    Makes me wonder who is the unfriendly-the President or Congress.
    Would someone please explain to me like Im a 3rd grader how our veterans can make ends meet and balance their monthly budget and feed the kids and pay the mortgage and buy food all at the same time with only half of a paycheck. If they get half a paycheck does that mean they are only required to fight half the time or do they simply duck enemy fire half the time. I need someone from Congress to help me do the math here.
    Why is it so important to Americas politicians to Shit on our veterans? What have they done to be treated like some kind of 3rd class citizen?
    Perhaps this is merely a warm up to the upcoming New World Order and yes this half paycheck benefit also applies to all Veterans living in Franklin.

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Navy Veterans Love Their Asbestos

    Heres something for Navy Veterans. Did you know theres a class action lawsuit for asbestos exposure? If you can document 5 years on Navy ships that contained asbestos , you should qualify. Heres the info for you to check this out. Keep in mind that a common 4 year service record is not long enough to qualify. You need 5 or more years of actually being on board a ship/ships to qualify

    SUITE 2

    1 800 580 5589

    I heartily encourage all Navy Veterans to check this out to see if you qualify. This is no joke people and Im for real about this. Give 'em a call and see what they say. Ya got nuthin to lose and the call is free. Call 'em today without delay. Back in the 60's and the 70's and even into the 80's the Navy had WWII ships and barges in service so its worth a look see.
    I wonder how many Veterans in Franklin dont know about this and qualify?

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Veterans Continue Being Under The Gun

    Heres the latest from the veterans department. Theres nothing new being said here. The VA has always lacked the resources needed to give proper care to this countrys veterans. Do you remember Viet Nam? Of course you do and the way this country continues going I dont expect anything to change anytime soon. Afterall we still do not have a budget in place at this writing and the President and Congress will continue to get regularly paid just the same
    Yes I know this has nothing to do with Franklin but Franklin does have Veterans.

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    More Golf Please

    Theres talk of turning a golf course idea into fruition provided the lawsuits can be ignored. Yep what this town needs is a golf course so people can get away from the problems that make Franklin what it is today.

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Whats Happening Now

    Whats the deal with Ewingville Drive? Or do I say Ewing? Is the city going to do what it said it would or is the city a big "Flip Flopper" ? I went sight seeing last week and I had someone following me. Getting out , I asked what the deal was and got told there had been some looting and stealing and such.
    And just what was the police doing ? They were busy arresting some Wake Boarders who were busy having fun and not bothering no one.
    So let me get this straight-the tax payers spend millions for a police department but it takes the people to look after themselves and property? What kind of a Happy One-Horse Town is this to spend so much money for protection from Wake Boarders?
    I dont get it. I really dont.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    It Started

    Now I know why the original Kool Aid left the building. The harassment has started here. I wonder what it is that The City of Franklin is so afraid of?
    Surely it is not corruption. This is after all Franklin
    I will keep you posted people. I am curious what else they pull around here.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    McKay's Mill Doesnt Add Up

    Dues Increase For 2011

    Postby clawrence » Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:13 pm

    The budget numbers we were sent don't seem to make sense. For example...

    2010 Actual to 9/30 Lawn Care is 46,500

    We budgeted 75,600, but we're estimating we will spend 176,400 next year.

    It's the same with water. We spent 13,130 (half of what was budgeted) by end of Sep but we're estimating we will spend 80,500 next year. There is no explanation offered as to why these budget numbers went up by 150,00.

    These are whopping increases in budget, and the board is asking for a 30% increase in dues for next year. That is a lot to ask in a recession. The Federal Reserves move this week guarantees we are all going to be paying higher food, gas, and clothing prices next year. Those who pay dues to other sub-associations will most certainly be told they have to pay higher fees as well. Dues pricing affects home resale values.

    I do not support such a large increase in dues, until there is a better explanation offered as to what we're paying for. I'm looking at surpluses over budget this year in water and lawn care and huge increases next year. The numbers don't add up.

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Williamson Medical Center For Sale

    Damn it all to Hell I cant seam to get the Fracking police off my mind in this blog! Everyone knows the hospital is for sale-maybe-or-not.
    Heres whats bothering me. Did you know that Franklin Police can coerce your medical records? Yep they sure kan. An example is having your urine screen show your use of Cokaine or PCPs. Thats right people. The police can do this and I've seen the documents to prove it.
    Is this a liability we want or is this how we want medical professionals behaving? Perhaps it would be better to go private. That way we all lose a big headache before it gets bigger.
    The Fracking police. Sweet Jesus what next?
    Since the medical professionals at WMC dont want to be professional I say sell the Damn place. I would like to think a private entity could do the job better and be more honest with medical records
    What do you say we take a look at this from the view point of reality. There's someone wanting to make a BIG BUCK for themselves and this might be one way to do it. This is Franklin after all and that means corruption. You know what? If a corrupt city can sell this thing and health care can be done better then Im all for it. Let that guy make a killing by selling it and get the Monkey off my back.

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Having Fun

    Today is April Fools Day

    Having good klean fun everyone

    April Fools jokes are welkome hear