Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Screwing The Veterans Half Way

If there was a country on this planet that screwed its Veterans America would win every prize.
I could not believe my ears when the TV stated that if this country could not put a budget together the President and Congress would continue to get paid accordingly while our veterans in the field would only get half a paycheck while keeping their head down from hostile fire by unfriendlys.
Makes me wonder who is the unfriendly-the President or Congress.
Would someone please explain to me like Im a 3rd grader how our veterans can make ends meet and balance their monthly budget and feed the kids and pay the mortgage and buy food all at the same time with only half of a paycheck. If they get half a paycheck does that mean they are only required to fight half the time or do they simply duck enemy fire half the time. I need someone from Congress to help me do the math here.
Why is it so important to Americas politicians to Shit on our veterans? What have they done to be treated like some kind of 3rd class citizen?
Perhaps this is merely a warm up to the upcoming New World Order and yes this half paycheck benefit also applies to all Veterans living in Franklin.

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