Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Microwave Harassment-The Stupid Question

Google has a lot of info on the subject of Microwave Harassment. The information tells us that it is a non-lethal weapon.
Heres the question-when you think about it , this non-lethal weapon is the same thing as a microwave oven. How can cooking someone be considered non-lethal?
By digging further into Google we find this thing kills because its use is being abused to the point of causing death.
Now with this fact being just that a fact how do people justify its use while saying its non-lethal?
Its obvious someone is either full of themselves or they are Satan worshipers.
Why do humans want to find new ways to hurt eachother? Is it because its fun or is it the Satan factor? Everything I find on this subject points to Satan being in charge.
Even the Bible tells us this.

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