Monday, May 9, 2011

Say It With Taxes

By now most everyone has got their new tax raises in the mail. People are wondering how it is in such a poor economy their taxes could go up so high so fast and they can not figure it out.
Well figure it out no more people because read on and you will learn as to why.
Do you remember the city building a Taj MaHal for the police department? Do you remember it costing 64 Million dollars? That big buck of chunk put a hole in the city coffers and now they are wanting to fill it back up.
Isnt this a wonderful town to live in while gas prices march steadily onwards to the five dollar mark?
Now do you understand why the hospital is also up for sale?
Welcome to Franklin everyone.


  1. Now thats a lot of LUV

  2. Taxes are definitely going up. They've been too low for to long. Now Williamson County is in debt $500 million and real estate tax revenue has gone down.

  3. With the election comming up,
    Let's not forget our elected offocials
    who voted for this, as well as streetscape and to wrongfully deny Joe Williams his due process.
    These 3 decisions have put the city in a bad financial position.
